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Our Story

Told in two parts. Read both sides of the love story

Devin's  point of view...

Two Introverts who didn't know how to say "I like you!"


We were just two students sitting around Augusta University's music facility. It really did start off that simple! I was doing my normal thing, just sitting in the lobby playing video games and Sterling was introduced to us through a mutual friend of ours. Everything was kind of fuzzy and gray in the beginning but somewhere down the line when we started doing pep band and talking on snapchat, we starting getting closer, talking more and exchanging conversation and funny pictures with each other. Oddly enough to everyone else except us, it was obvious we had a thing for each other. But as it says, we did not know how nor had the courage to admit it. It took a night of bowling and a drive home until she actually broke the stalemate and asked me out to my surprise! The story of two crackhead introverts fumbling through life starting unfurling and I've loved every moment of it with her!

Sterling's  point of view...


Pep Band Chronicles (It's long. I talk alot)

So the first time that I met Devin was my first ever pep band rehearsal at Augusta University. Then, we started the pep band basketball games, where I ended up often next to Devin. Naturally, as we were next to each other, we began to talk and interact more. I'd initially dismissed it as me finally being happy to have some musician friends at college, but it felt like I was missing a mark. Then, in an almost cliche, this random day near the end of February, I was joking with Devin about "the bad stand" (Musicians ifykyk) and I'd said something in particular that didn't make Devin start cackling as he usually did, but instead he just giggled and smiled at me. I will take it to my grave that when he looked at me the sun truly brightened, highlighting his absolutely adorable brown eyes and they glistened! In that moment, I remember going in my head "Oh shit." Every interaction we had made me feel like sunshine, but Devin seemed to treat me the same as everyone else (At least in my eyes. Our friend group would beg to differ.). April came along and I was tired of pondering with my friends, tired of the is he or is he not. I'd made up my mind that the second I saw him, I'd say it. Well, my lovely fiancé had other plans all day, such as surprise playing "Baby Shark" for the head of the music department and getting a Big Buford from Checkers at the only times I had in between my classes. I eventually got to confess on the ride home after a friend’s birthday party, and lo and behold, my friends were right!

And the rest was history...

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